Questions to consider about the 10 pain points
Which of the 10 most resonates with you?
Your top 3 of the 10 are? That if they were solved you would be delighted.
Thermometer or Thermostat
Thermometer or Thermostat
a metaphor for leaders & teams to take note of
What’s your default? What do you choose? What’s your preference?
3 things women say that weaken the power of their words
3 things women say that weaken the power of their words Words matter. Even when they shouldn't. by Heather Libby If we're to believe the self-help aisle of every '90s bookstore, men and women talk and act so differently because we're really from two opposingplanets....
Building an Incisive Question
Building an Incisive Question by Nancy Kline (Copyright Nancy Kline 2008) FINDING AND REPLACING THE LIMITING ASSUMPTIONS Assumption Question What do you assume about yourself most of the time that is limiting yourlife right now? List as many limiting assumptions as...
Experience vs expertise – questions to get you thinking
Experience vs expertise - questions to get you thinking Are these mutually exclusive or complimentary? Can you have one without the other? Which has more influence in or on a situation? What is needed to qualify as an expert? Who validates the quality and relevance of...
Undercover or in the Spotlight
UNDERCOVER OR IN SPOTLIGHT Even I'm beginning to realise that there are times when it pays to go "undercover", to fade into the background rather than step forward into the spotlight. Really hard for a natural spotlight-er. Here are three moments to consider: When you...
Wisdom Access Questions
Two questions for a leader to ask to access the wisdom within a team What might you have noticed that needs attention or change in this company/ organisation / business that I might not have noticed? What do you think, or feel should be done about it? Then simply...
Ones to provoke thinking
Questions to provoke thinking Memories – accessing wisdom Remember a grandparent/godparent/teacher who had a very positive impact on you: What did they do that was different to the other significant others/adults that you came across? What was it you liked so much eg...
Great questions to clear blocks
Great questions to ask when stuck: Whenever you find yourself stuck, particularly if you are repeating a pattern or habit and you want to change it, try asking different, powerful questions to put you on the spot. You may have even better ones so please ask those...