Building an Incisive Question
by Nancy Kline (Copyright Nancy Kline 2008)
Assumption Question
What do you assume about yourself most of the time that is limiting your
life right now?
List as many limiting assumptions as you can think of:
I am assuming that
Key Assumption Question
What are you assuming that is most limiting your life right now?
Do you think it is true that (insert key limiting assumption)?
What are your reasons for thinking so?
(Three criteria for truth of an assumption: 1) Information, 2) Logic, 3) Positive Philosophical Choice)
Finding Liberating Alternative Assumption (ask as appropriate):
Transition Question
(When assumption is true according to the Thinker and the Three Criteria)
That’s possible, but what are you assuming that causes that to limit your
(Repeat Transition Question process until untrue assumption is found)
Invitation Question
(When assumption is not true according to the Three Criteria, but is true according to the Thinker)
Given that the assumption (insert untrue assumption) is limiting your life, what would you credibly have to assume instead in order to have the life you want?
Liberating Alternative Question
(When assumption is untrue according to the Three Criteria and Thinker)
If it is not true that (insert untrue assumption), what are your words for what is true and liberating?
The Incisive Question
If you knew that (insert liberating assumption), what would change in your life?
Building an Incisive Question by Nancy Kline (copyright Nancy Kline 2008)