On the QT, very hush hush & strictly confidential … well … nearly!

What’s it like to be lucky to Invest a few moments to find out. Are you sitting comfortably then I’ll begin. Stories are always intriguing, engaging & interesting.Working in a compassionately ruthless way with leaders, aspiring leaders & teams to turn uncertainty into a powerful tool for change & growth. Disrupt thinking patterns with powerful, spot-on questions & insights delighting in & skill at using a compassionately ruthless approach is key to speed the shift from stuck to unstuck; from simply surviving into thriving. Discover & uncover potential which is potent power yet come into being.

A specialist who ‘really gets her clients’ works with you to ace your communications with a strategy that helps you ‘really get’ & better understand your teams, colleagues, stakeholders & customers/clients in service of the bottom line. At the heart of what I do is to help leaders & teams who struggle with their biggest challenge (usually communication) to achieve their desired outcome or achievement.

In partnership, accentuating the positive, we look for & use

  • Positive Observations
  • Smart Insights
  • Triggers
  • Initiatives
  • Value-adds
  • Encouragement

Check out at www.halinajaroszewska.com where it says: “Let’s be crystal clear: The coaching process with me is work at a deep level – certainly not a ‘nice’ chat”. This is my promise to you. I live my brand 100% consistently. Fast paced with high impact to more reflective with sustained impact I attune to your preferred behavioural preference. Always in service of what you want to work on. Focused on getting to the source of the problem versus being distracted or confused by the symptoms. Solutions focused: what would you prefer instead?

Known as catalyst, inspirer, world changer, dragon slayer, influencer, finger-on-the-pulse, intuitively strategic, leaper-into-the-unknown, connector, spotter-of-potential, see-er-of-possibilities.

Known for bringing fresh perspectives, iconic jewellery, incisive questions, high energy, glass-half-full, sweet spot identifier, highly attuned to avoidance of what needs to be changed, 25 years of experience of working with leaders, creating safe space in which to take outrageous risks safely, refreshingly creative, enables clients to find their edge & stretch way beyond, clarity of focus, brings seriousness combined with sense of fun, enthusiasm & encouragement gets the work done.

All of which I bring to my work with you when appropriate or relevant.

All of which are fundamental to my reputation.

A cool brand where magic happens which clients attest to in their reflections check out at www.halinajaroszewska.com . Described as the Green & Black, Helen Mirren, Laura Trott, Charlotte Dujourdan of the coaching world. Brands exist in the mind of others so mine needs to be clear, concise, identifiable, have order & purpose with strategy.

Expresso effect v long tall latte: whichever is right in the moment – usually an intuitive choice. You guide the process. Easy to flex. It’s the mix of ideas, people, senses, details, information, biases etc. Essentially the question is how to max all of you? To get max effect in service of your desired outcomes & even more than you can in this moment imagine.


  • it’ll be to hold the ‘squirm of not knowing’ until stuckness eases & a solution pops.
  • it’s about stripping out what’s there to create space for something to happen.
  • using the strategy of a helicopter view brings a fresh perspective / a different viewing platform to see blind spots, alternate ways of seeing.
  • ideas designed to be the ‘grit in the oyster to create the pearl’.
  • questions to get underneath to uncover the seemingly unknown
  • minute shifts bring significant changes which transform into great results

It’s all about creating chemistry in partnership with understanding & integral trust. And it’s important to love working with my clients: clients who come from the leadership zone; clients who genuinely want to improve their leadership in all senses. Within the specific issue of ace-ing their leadership I work essentially with clients 3 main perceived challenges together with the 3 desired outcomes they want 100%.

A coaching programme spanning 6 months is the usual format.

Check out what clients say Reflections – Halina Jaroszewska

Laser 60 minutes sessions result in exceptional outcomes. ROI evidenced by ‘WOW! did I really achieve that’ factor according to clients. Click on COVID-19 Pro Bono projects to explore feedback from those 60 minutes laser sessions

Want that ‘WOW! did I really achieve that’ factor result yourself you know what to do.

It’s a take action thing!

Contact: e: halina@halinajaroszewska.com m: +44 (0) 771 865 8909

To be honest it’s in between sessions that the work happens. It’s the ‘dropping of the pebble’ in the pond metaphor. Yes, we always value what we invest in for that ROI.

A brand where the 3 colours represent my approach perfectly:

  • Fuchsia = provocative + quirky + rock chick
  • Creamy white = clear quartz + insightful + wisdom + purpose
  • Seagrass = lemon syllabub, all senses, partnership

My approach works on the understanding that if you don’t

  • do it you will never know what would have happened if you hadn’t done it
  • max your everything all that potential is wasted
  • be in the moment you’ll have blinked & missed it
  • get that it’s a perception thing you’ll sabotage yourself big time
  • roll the dice you’ll never know the outcome
  • ask does this spark joy you’ll never know your answer

Working in partnership to hold up a mirror for you; give a perspective on your world; challenge the ‘taken for granteds’. Naturally my job is to ask strategic or intuitive or or deceptively simple yet revealing questions. Questions to explore breadth & depth of thinking outside of your usual framework. Encouragement to discover out of adversity the opportunities possible. AND how to practically apply everything in your context.

Gazillions of tools, tips, techniques, strategies, ideas are always available in my metaphorical backpack if needed. One might be selected, or it might be in the moment a bespoke one created just for you. Great question: for what job/purpose did you hire that milkshake? And another? What do you mean by that? Or simply And? maybe ‘Say more’

Assessments are great at providing fresh, different insights; highlighting strengths & areas for development. Demonstrate excellent ROI for the information they reveal, uncover, gift to us.


  1. We’ll design & create our agreement to discover how we will work together
  2. Essential for you to have clarity re your desired outcomes
  3. I’ll listen intently for what is said / not said & request clarification to understand correctly
  4. My job is to develop an understanding of the situation
  5. We’ll explore thoughts / feelings /facts re what already done & what might try
  6. You’ll consider actions which will help you choose a way forward, your first steps
  7. We’ll review & reflect & reboot at each step / stage the actions taken & results
  8. Feedback
  9. Forward planning