Clients say I really get them

Why? Because I create

  • a safe space to explore challenges, objectives, big picture aspirations
  • time to think deeply and explore their world
  • space with signposts to enhance the journey towards their vision.

I’m renowned for helping you find that elusive puzzle piece. When in place, it reveals BRAND YOU. By developing a purposeful, provocative partnership with you, remarkable results are achieved. I’ll also ask you powerful questions to help clarify goals. You’ll get what stops you.

Let’s be crystal clear

The coaching process with me is work at a deep level – certainly not a ‘nice’ chat.

I coach on the edge of being fired. That’s what ‘be halina’d’ is all about.

Deciding to work with a coach is a genius investment. It involves your time, trust, and money. Remarkable results? Definitely. Trackable, evidence for yourself, your colleagues, team, and stakeholders.

People will notice.

C.O.R.E © Integrative coaching model

The 4 elements:

Create an agreement designed to Open up your thinking Reality check Embed the changes

C.O.R.E encourages you to

Savour more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less.

Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less.

The benefits for you

The ‘be halina’d’ recipe, uniquely devised for you, includes my innovative, intuitive, provocative, compassionately ruthless approach. Big picture thinking combined with forensic attention to detail.

You’ll be astonished at what you’ll achieve as a result of our work together.

I set the scene for you, your leadership team, and your organisation to be:

  • consistent
  • holistically strategic
  • collaborative, delivering out-of-the-box, sustainable results
  • clear, effective communicators
  • courageous risk takers

and crucially to trust yourself, your team/s, your colleagues, and stakeholders.

ICF (International Coaching Federation) Master Coach Assessors for my PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Credential said of my approach:

She’s masterful at creating awareness quickly and effortlessly.

Great at questioning, she listens deeply. Is 100% present for her client.

Very courageous, she’ll effortlessly step into deep conversation regarding her client’s concerns. Quickly processing information, she helps her client see things from a completely different perspective.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF)

ICF’s philosophy is that each person is creative, resourceful and whole. This is central to how I work being a Professionally Credentialed Coach and full ICF member governed by the ICF Code of Ethics and adhering to the ICF Core Competencies.