‘I always come away from any discussion with Halina with a concrete, achievable method for changing things for the better – if you’re in a thicket, Halina’s wise words will always help you to navigate through’.
Patricia Patilla Sanchez Development Engineer Rolls Royce
‘Halina gave me the courage to review the contracts that I made with myself. I identified how these define my behaviour, to take action when necessary’.
Senior Manager, Printing Company
‘You made me think. You pushed me, but in a gentle way. Gave me confidence in myself. I now know that I can, not that I can’t. I now speak out at meetings. You taught me how to deal with colleagues, especially the difficult ones.
Senior Partner, Law Firm
‘Coaching helped me clarify my thinking, focus, prioritise issues around my private and business lives. Most importantly recognising the importance of making time to continue this process. I am confidently ambitious’.
Operations Manager / Senior Management Team Ovation Finance
‘Listens well. Her role is not to give you answers but to provide a forum for the client to figure it out. I highly recommend Halina to any business.’
Senior Learning and Development Advisor UK Charity
‘Enjoyable, challenging. Through Halina’s skilful questioning, I feel I explored my goal practical solutions already applied. I now ask myself “what am I going to do today to have fun” making sure ‘I live into this’.
Partnerships Director, Recruitment
‘How inspiring you were. How refreshing to be able take a different perspective to current challenges I face in a leadership role. I appreciate the ‘takeaways’ from just one session’.
Head of Interpretation, Museums & Galleries Sector
‘Inspiring, empowering listened attentively quick to cut through to the heart of the matter, offer insights and practical advice to start putting into use immediately’.
Louise Ladbroke, Business West
‘Halina really gets people, cleverly helps them recognise their own behaviours and identify what’s holding them, their business, team, organisation, career back’.
A Starkie Forensic Scientist
‘Proof is in the pudding: I have emerged from this process with a clearer appreciation of my personality traits, an ability to appreciate, also celebrate my unique skill set. Result: secured a future in my desired job sector’.