What is executive coaching?
Put simply, it’s focused, professional development for senior executives, middle management and high potential fast trackers.
“Asking for help does not mean we are weak or incompetent.
It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.”
Anne Wilson Schaef
As an executive, you’ll work with a professionally qualified, highly experienced, well trained executive coach on your goals, challenges, strengths and areas for development.
Together we’ll develop a strong, trusting partnership. You’ll gain greater self-awareness, enhance your leadership skills, change behaviour, and acquire those essential soft skills.
Executive coaching is the catalyst for taking your (and your team’s) performance to the next level.
Coaching helps you employ and retain the right people. It’s an effective way to improve performance; develop skills and transfer knowledge; identify and accelerate the progress of high-potential talent.
Let me ask you 3 questions:
How often do you let the past get in your way?
How much better would it be if you thrived?
What if you could achieve the results you desire?
By making you put protected time regularly in your schedule to think. An essential tool for the savvy executive – ignored at your peril. Learn how to effectively use a coaching approach to best effect.
By creating a workable professional development plan (PDP) to chart areas to work on with clear evidence of outcomes achieved. PDP is an excellent tool to use to prepare for promotion. Coaching is an essential support when you start a new role or change career and then to support going forward.
By supporting you in challenging times.
By balancing the importance of the bottom line with knowing that your people are the diamonds.
By asking those compassionately ruthless questions, I’ll encourage you to challenge your default behaviours, approaches, habits.
By choosing to dedicate time to think with a confidential partner:
You’ll create opportunities to make different choices.
You’ll acquire practical strategies for managing stress, change, conflict or crisis.
You’ll work with an objective, non-judgemental champion who’ll hold you to account.
You’ll improve your impact and influence as you explore different perspectives.
How does that sound to you?
Wayne Gretzky suggests that you always need to
‘skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been’.
To continue in the same way will simply give you the results that you have always created.
Perhaps you want to get in the driving seat and become unstuck once and for all. Maybe you need to manage and influence your strategic relationships better. You’d love to ace your communications. Regaining control over boundaries would be a relief. If only you could confidently own what you’re good at.
What would be your why? What would you invest to get your why sorted?
Executive coaching will help however you want to make a difference.
Together, we’ll achieve momentous shifts for you. I’ll be cheering you on, ensuring you’re thriving – even in challenging times. I’ll ask you those powerful questions that make you really think.
I’ll help you create a sustainable development plan that’ll take you to the next level. You’ll become poised to deliver remarkable results.
By taking the right actions you’ll unlock the key to your success.
And of course, you’ll join that exclusive group of leaders and executives who are delighted they chose to
To find out more the following will give you lots of information:
About Executive Coaching
About Coaching
How to check this Executive Coach out – snap up a 30 minutes risk free Chemistry session
About Halina Jaroszewska
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupury
“Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability. ” Patrick Lencioni
“Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty“. Brian Greene

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupury