Bringing your Intentions into being
5 processes to explore
Dreaming beyond the dream:
this is when you put your attention not just on what you dream of but on what is way beyond better. It’s when you gently, even forcefully, give permission for those lovely limiting beliefs to take a holiday whilst you engage in the following process:
- Find a place where you can relax either inside or outside in nature. Get comfortable. You will need about an hour. Make sure you won’t be interrupted as this is time is for you. Record what you discover.
- When you are ready invite your goals into your mind. Start to daydream. Have fun with this. Open your heart to hear all those daydreams that have been tucked away, shut down, regarded as impossible. Take your daydreaming to beyond the edge. Enjoy playing with possibilities, potential. Magnify your emotions regarding your daydreams. See them so clearly you can touch them, smell them, hear them, be them.
- Keep asking yourself what’s even more exciting, bigger and beyond imagining than that. Let your mind go absolutely wild as you enjoy experiencing your dreams and beyond
- When you are completely done take a moment to savour all that you have ‘beyond daydreamed’.
- Write out your goal/s in as much detail as you imagined it / them.
- Then it’s action time!
- What is the first step you will take and the next step and the next?
- By when? Always have a date for example: Monday 4th January 2021 at 16.18. Be absolutely specific.
If achievement is 5% of the whole what is the rest?
Intentions provide a sense of direction or purpose. We perform better with them. The learning is what exactly we can take on our journey to inform us and help adjust our goals. Try this next. You will need about 30 minutes.
- Go back to your goal/s from the previous exercise
- Think about who you might meet, books you might read, adventures you might have. What might that information tell you?
- What can you learn about you on a daily basis? Your moods, behaviours, attitudes, commitment, preferences and so on.
- What mistakes can you learn from? How can you spot patterns that repeat? The ones that support and the ones that distract.
- Record in your notebook what evidence you have collected.
- How will you use these insights?
- How will making a difference open up other possibilities?
A small step for man, a giant leap for mankind:
small steps lead to giant leaps. We know the journey of a 1000 miles starts with one step. Who stands on one foot never makes the journey happen! You will need about 3 hours for this part. Good idea to surround yourself with your favourite things.
- Set many intentions all at once to create the domino effect
- Here are some areas to start you off: family/ home; financial / career; spiritual; ethical; physical health; social [friends, family, fun]; education [inc. personal growth]. Add on any others important to you.
- As you create your intentions make sure when achieving one goal it doesn’t conflict with another. For example: working for a company to achieve your career / financial goals whose methods are not in alignment with your personal ethical beliefs would mean you’d have a conflict of interest.
- Time to revisit the first two exercises for every area of your life.
Magnifying the Magnificent:
- List 12 favourite things that you love to do
- Top tip – coming from a heartfelt place enables what we desire to arrive more easily maybe in a different format than we imagined.
- Be conscious of this and welcome the unexpected.
- Agree to do 4 of them 4 times each day for 4 minutes for 4 weeks
- Mix and match your favourite things so you change the 4 things each day
- As 4 weeks progress you might discover other things you enjoy doing
- Add them into the mix and match of your favourite things
- What happens is as you are doing one of your favourite things you realise it is no longer a favourite thing? Simply love it. Thank it. Ditch it.
The good, the bad and transforming the ugly:
- Be practical – break goals down into small steps. Daily, weekly, monthly, annually and even smaller.
- Be prepared to make mistakes along the way as that’s how we learn.
- Make sure you do learn from the learnings as that’s how we grow and develop.
- Be responsible for you and your journey. Let the Universe take care of the result/s.
- Revisit the areas of life you listed in Small step exercise part 3 to appreciate and acknowledge your journey so far, what you have achieved to date. Reflect on what people have taught you, insights you’ve had, what you’ve learnt, what might help you make your goal happen quicker.
- Check out what you need to let go of, what stops you, where you need to get over yourself
Flavouring is crucial:
- Influence is to dreams what seasoning is to food. How can you influence you to bring your goals into reality? Who are the influencers you need to get on your team?
- Surround yourself with supportive, positive people. Share your goals only with people who are aligned with your passion/s. Or those with the ability to influence others who might be.
- Prioritise your goals. Which ones do you want to move forward on next?
- Be clear what needs to happen next
- Who do you need to talk to, get introduced to, meet, research to bring into reality what you want to achieve?