How to find your voice?
John Farmer sings You’re the voice – try and understand it
What of these usual suspects are challenges that pop up in your life?
- Managing time effectively so that it works for you
- Prioritise and diary protect time to think in fast moving, challenging, uncertain times
- Discovering confidence and using it confidently
- Promotion potential – how to spot it and more importantly to retain and develop it
- Team development – for teams that work as smooth as silk
- Leading change
- Managing change
- Designing new leadership styles relevant for the situation
- Identifying behaviour triggers, how to manage them?
- Behaviour / mindset/ way of thinking / habit – which to invite in or eliminate from your life
- Personal brand – what’s the essence of BRAND YOU? Which object embodies it? Why did you choose it?
- Presentation skills
- Dealing with under-performance
- Success – what does it look like from your perspective?
- Strategy for next 90 days – to achieve what?
- Bigger picture – helicopter view
Download Ask yourself with fierce courage