The Janus Effect – looking back over the year that has happened … some questions to start your thinking process
For this current year:
- Review your projects – which were completed, which not done, which part way through?
- What was your biggest success?
- What was your smartest decision? And why?
- To sum up your experience of this year in one word what would it be? A hyphen is permitted if you desperately need to use two.
- What was the greatest lesson that you have learnt?
- What was the greatest contribution that you made to help someone else in this current year?
- What unfinished business have you? How might you conclude it by midnight 31st December?
- What made you most happy to have completed this year?
- Who are the 3 people that have had the greatest impact on your life this year? And why?
- What was the biggest risk that you took?
- What was your biggest / most unexpected surprise?
- Which important relationship improved the most?
- What compliment would you have liked to receive? And why?
- What compliment would you have liked to give? And why? And how could you give it before midnight 31st December?
- What else do you need to say or do to completely bring this year to conclusion leaving no loose ends?
The Janus Effect – looking forward into the New Year … some questions to start your thinking process
For this next year
- What would you like to be your biggest win / triumph / success?
- What advice would you like to give yourself at the start of this New Year?
- What is the major effort you are planning in order to improve your results in this next year? Health, money, relationships, leisure, career etc
- It is 31st December, what will you be most happy about completing during the year?
- What major indulgence are you willing to allow yourself to experience in the coming year?
- What would you most like to change about yourself? And why? And what will be the difference people will notice?
- What are you looking forward to learning in the New Year?
- What might be the biggest risk for you?
- What are you most committed to changing and improving in your work life / career in this coming year?
- If you were brave and brought all of you to every part of your life what hidden talent might you be willing to explore and develop in the New Year?
- What sparks joy for you? How can you choose to have more joy in your life in the coming year?
- Who or what are you willing to commit to being of service to in the year to come?
- Which word or phrase will be describe how you choose this next year to be?
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